Ultimate Grocery Store Savings Checklist: Must-Try Strategies

What Are the Best Ways to Save Money on Food and  Groceries?

In September 2023, the US Bureau of Labour Statistics revealed consumer expenditure data that recognizes that, on average, Americans allocate $573 annually or approximately $475 monthly towards groceries. Despite the fall in inflation, food prices have remained the same compared to the previous year.

If you look at the individual grocery expenses, many factors influence our monthly grocery expenses, like choice of store, specific purchases, household size, etc. Despite having a monthly budget, you can adopt a few strategies to save money on groceries, like selecting the correct payment method. If you are looking for some tips to save money on groceries, these are right here for you!

Key Highlights

  • Despite the decrease in the inflation rate, food prices aren't going to drop in the future; therefore, there is a need to implement intelligent shopping strategies to save a handful amount on your grocery budget.

  • A sharp increase in the cost of kitchen staples like eggs and meat has made food at home more expensive.

  • By saving a handful of dollars on groceries, you can add up to big savings.

1- Make a Meal Plan

Making a meal plan can be a tool to control your spending and minimize food wastage. A weekly plan can help you decide on your meals and snacks for a week to create a grocery list that lines up with your actual needs. This strategy will save you time and help you stick to your budget. Your weekly meal plan will also prevent you from making impulsive purchases at grocery stores. It will help you align your purchase with your consumption needs, ultimately reducing unnecessary expenses.

2- Try to Shop Alone

If you frequently shop with children or a partner while purchasing groceries, stop doing that. This is because the presence of your children or partner during shopping could heighten the chances of unnecessary purchases. If you want to save on groceries, prepare a list by adding the items your family members need to your shopping list. It will help you ensure that you buy your family's preferred snacks. This will also prevent you from being tempted to make unplanned purchases. By shopping alone, you can adhere to your predetermined list and budget, preventing you from making impulsive buying decisions and ultimately becoming a cost-effective option for your shopping.

3- Shop on the Quietest Days

Select the quietest day of the week for grocery shopping. It is because the presence of a crowd in the store can prevent you from carefully assessing the section and identifying the cost-effective brands and sizes. A less crowded store will also provide you the opportunity for some experimentation. You can make better decisions as you are more focused on your purchase. You can better examine the products you want to buy, which will help you align with your budget.

4- Buy Generic Product

Going for generic products over branded name items can be a strategic financial choice. It is the undeniable truth that branded names ordinarily come with a higher price tag than generic ones. Saving a few dollars on an item may not appeal to you. Still, these small savings significantly accumulate when you purchase in bulk. It is also essential to recognize that many universal products are produced in the same facilities as their other branded counterparts. Many generic products offer the same quality and are more budget-friendly than branded ones. Switching to generic alternatives may help you save a lot over time.

5- Stick to the Perimeter

The central part of any grocery store contains processed foods, which are costlier than fresh produce, and unprocessed options on the outer wall are more budget-friendly. Concentrate your shopping on the store wall, which will help you prioritize cost-effective options and healthier ones than unprocessed foods. It is a retail strategy to place higher-priced items at eye level. Therefore, it is good to be conscious of these to explore upper and lower shelves for more budget-friendly alternatives. This will maximize your savings and help you make informed choices.

6- Use Grocery Store Loyalty Cards

You can download the application for the grocery store you frequently shop at. This can directly add discounts to your loyalty card, ensuring automatic savings during checkout. The app offers customized coupons based on past purchases, which discount the products you prefer the most. Many stores provide combination savings like "buy five and save $5"; therefore, the app becomes a valuable tool for strategic shopping. Also, many grocery stores are chained and affiliated with gas stations, where you can accumulate fuel points through this app.

7- Prefer Bulk Purchasing

Try to purchase in bulk and freeze surplus items to save. Some food items come with reduced price tags when you buy them in large quantities. If you find them feasible, consider buying them in bulk and freezing them if you don't immediately require them. It applies to items like bread, meat, cheese, etc. You can even take advantage of sales, as many deals offer savings when you purchase multiple items. Buying in bulk and freezing the leftovers can save a handful of dollars and ensure your freezer is always stocked up.

8- Utilise Grocery Reward Credit Card

Many grocery reward cards provide cashback and points specifically for supermarket purchases. These cards can yield 3% to 6% in cashback or other reward benefits that significantly increase your savings. Beyond groceries, many of these cards also offer when you spend on restaurants, gas, or home improvement stores. You can accumulate valuable cashback or points with each shopping using a grocery reward credit card.

9- Avoid Pre-Packaged Food Items

Go for something other than pre-packed items at the grocery store. Although pre-cut veggies or pre-shredded cheese saves you time in the kitchen, it comes at a higher price. Therefore, go for whole items such as fresh or frozen vegetables and block cheese to maximize your savings. Unprocessed items give you the benefit of saving and reduce your overall grocery expenses. You might require more effort in the kitchen, but financial savings are considerable over time.

10- Go for Seasonal Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and vegetables are more expensive when they are out of season. It is important to shop for seasonal fruits and vegetables and enjoy them when they are not only at their tastiest but also at the most affordable phase. By aligning your purchase with the natural growing season of various fruits and vegetables, you can take advantage of lower grocery prices and better quality. Many farmers and local vendors often give seasonal offerings that allow access to fresh and cost-effective produce.


After covering the top 10 tips on saving money on grocery shopping, such as meal prepping, using coupons, and taking advantage of store loyalty programs, etc. We are adding three more to make your grocery shopping saving more efficient and enjoyable.

Compare Stores All-Around

You can save a lot by comparing product prices across different grocery stores in your area. If you have multiple options nearby, you can shop where you find the most favorable deal. Indeed, running various stores for every grocery item is not practical, but you can consider giving specific days of the week to visit different stores. This will help you save as you take advantage of each store's prices and promotions. Also, keep an eye out for sales, discounts, and special offers.

Raid Your Pantry

Sometimes, it is a good idea to challenge yourself to explore your pantry or fridge and create meals with the ingredients you already have. There is no need to rush to the store every time you run out of them. You can make a meal from the ingredients in your kitchen. When you supplement a few additional items to complete your meal, you can significantly save by utilizing the food you already have. This will minimize unnecessary spending and encourage you to be more resourceful and creative in the kitchen.

Skip Meat Meals

You can go for meatless meals in your weekly routine. While embracing a vegetarian lifestyle is unnecessary, you can reduce meal consumption, which can significantly lower your expenses as meat tends to be a costlier grocery item than others. You can experiment with meatless recipes and go for plant-based proteins like beans, lentils, tofu, or grains. These are cost-effective dishes and another way to add nutrition to your meal. You can diversify your eating habits by going meatless on certain days.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining a monthly budget is a part of managing your finances. By reducing your grocery expenses, you can free up funds for other financial goals like debt repayment, building an emergency fund, or adding to entertainment activities. Adopting effective strategies for cutting grocery costs, like preparing in advance and avoiding wasteful spending on items you don't consume, can help you save a lot over time. With the saved cost, you can treat yourself and visit a gourmet coffee shop.

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08 Dec, 2023


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